Robogames Wikia
Robogames Wikia
Evil Grin

A CAD rendering of what >;-) - "Evil Grin" would have looked like.

>;-) - "Evil Grin" was a  Lightweight robot built by Team JaGGeD that registered for ROBOLympics 2004. It was a four wheeled, box shaped robot armed with a spinning blade. It was likely not finished in time for the competition however as it never showed up. >;-) - "Evil Grin" was a completely redesigned version of the teams BattleBots competitor 100% Y.A.W.N. which performed decently, reaching the round of 128 in Season 4.0.

See Also[]

ProjectYAWN sfb01

>;-) - "Evil Grin" as 100% Y.A.W.N. during Season 4.0 of BattleBots.