AVD (originally called Kickin Bleu) is a Lightweight robot built by Team Think Tank that competed in RoboGames 2018. It is a four-wheeled, invertible, silver robot armed with a vertical flywheel.
RoboGames 2018[]
AVD competed at RoboGames 2018, earning an 0-2 record in its rookie season. The robot was finished at the event the day before fighting began, and competed in a total of four matches in the RoboGames arena.
Fight 1 - Tsunami vs AVD[]
[1]Video of the match
This was the first fight for both of these rookie robots, and these teams was side-by-side in the pits. AVD would not have made it into the arena without the help of Team Tanto, and I am in their debt for all the help and encouragement during the event. AVD had trouble spinning up in this match; the weapon belt was incredibly tight causing the motor to stall after a few revolutions. Once the weapon was up to speed small amounts of flexing in the frame caused the teeth to strike the ground, bouncing the robot in the air. Tsunami was able to take advantage of this by spinning up its weapon and positioning its weapon against AVD. Both robots made contact, repeatedly tossing each other into the air, before Tsunami was able to flip the bouncing AVD onto its flywheel. AVD then pulled itself to the wall, launching into an arial 360, and dumping its electronics upon landing. AVD was then counted out - Tsunami wins by KO in 0:45.
Fight 2 - Tactic vs AVD[]
AVD was repaired from its match with Tsunami, and on the 2nd day of the tournament faced the hinged AR400 wedge of Tactic. Before the fight two UHMW "feet" were added under the weapon uprights of AVD to keep the weapon from impacting the floor, but without proper testing they also exacerbated the ground clearance for the drive train. This further limited AVD's drivability when combined with the warping floor panels and weight distribution.
The match began with Tactic approaching AVD who was trying to spin up its weapon, but was having trouble with the start up. Tactic was able to take advantage of the situation by repeatedly getting to the sides of its opponent, pushing around while AVD eventually got its weapon to speed. A head-on collision between the two bots sent AVD into the air and landing on its weapon, which caused the robot to bounce back on its wheels, but the weapon had now seized. Tactic took advantage of the situation and pushed his opponent into the wall, high-centering AVD on the arena rail. AVD was then counted out while Tactic returned to its square with minimal damage done. Tactic wins by KO in 1:30.