Robogames Wikia
Robogames Wikia

Luzifer as it appeared for RoboGames 2012.

Not to be confused with the Pakistan Lightweight robot that registered to compete in RoboGames 2016, and 2017.

Luzifer was a Heavyweight robot built by German team, The Devil Crew that attempted to compete in RoboGames 2012. It was a four-wheel drive, orange, and silver, invertible, box shaped robot armed with a lifting wedge, and top flipping arm similar in design to 4x Gold Medalist Sewer Snake. However although it attended the event Luzifer did not wind up competing.

In 2016 a rebuilt version of Luzifer applied to compete in the 2016 Robot Wars Reboot. However it was rejected, and instead continued to appear at the oldlive event in the UK.


  • Luzifer was originally known as Black Hole 2, and was the spiritual successor to German Robot Wars champion Black Hole.