Not to be confused with the Pakistan Lightweight robot that registered to compete in RoboGames 2016, and 2017.
Luzifer was a Heavyweight robot built by German team, The Devil Crew that attempted to compete in RoboGames 2012. It was a four-wheel drive, orange, and silver, invertible, box shaped robot armed with a lifting wedge, and top flipping arm similar in design to 4x Gold Medalist Sewer Snake. However although it attended the event Luzifer did not wind up competing.
In 2016 a rebuilt version of Luzifer applied to compete in the 2016 Robot Wars Reboot. However it was rejected, and instead continued to appear at the oldlive event in the UK.
- Luzifer was originally known as Black Hole 2, and was the spiritual successor to German Robot Wars champion Black Hole.