Robogames Wikia
Robogames Wikia

The RSA Holiday Games was the first ever event hosted by ComBots, LLC.

Competing Robots[]

Weight Class Robot Team Country
Middleweight DryRotBot Team Plumb Crazy US
Max Wedge Team Rotordesign US
Swamp Thing Hardcore Robotics US
Who's Your Daddy RoboMaster US
As only the brackets for the Antweights exist for this event it is unknown which (if any) of the registered Middleweights actually showed up at the event and fought.
Lightweight Bonesaw 2.1 Team UI US
Devils Advocate Basher of Bots US
Robo Master AR RoboMaster US
Slack Jawed Yokel The Infernolab US
The Big B Late Night Racing US
Westside Glory Fatcats US
Wipe Out Team Plumb Crazy US
As only the brackets for the Antweights exist for this event it is unknown which (if any) of the registered Lightweights actually showed up at the event and fought.
Featherweight Hidden Power Team Misfit US
Omega Sword The Infernolab US
Road Dots Revenge Basher of Bots US
The Bully RoboMaster US
As only the brackets for the Antweights exist for this event it is unknown which (if any) of the registered Featherweights actually showed up at the event and fought.
Hobbyweight High Gravity Team Tiki US
Lil Shocker Team SMC US
Mr. Shadow Carnivore Robotics US
P.B.S.R. Fatcats US
P.S.T.-0.9 Team Cerebral Machine US
Ricochet The Infernolab US
Snitch Bad Bot US
As only the brackets for the Antweights exist for this event it is unknown which (if any) of the registered Hobbyweights actually showed up at the event and fought.
Antweight Angry Dustpan Fatcats US
Captain Coleslaw unknown unknown
Cimmerian Ant Weight cimmeria US
Cuttlefish Tentacle Combat Robotics US
Demonic Team Minus Zero US
Hatchling Chaos Engineering US
Hazardous Waste Sacbots US
Hurricane(DNC) Team Misfit US
Inkling Tentacle Combat Robotics US
Jimmy Crack Corn Fatcats US
Lame-O & Same-O Inferno The Infernolab US
MicroNightmare Team Nightmare US
NanoShock(DNC) Team SMC US
Not So Deadly Donkey(DNC) Fatcats US
Overdrive Team Misfit US
Saturday Night Cleaver(DNC) Fatcats US
Senior PITA Sacbots US
ShazBot Team Nightmare US
Shenanigans Fatcats US
Slick Skynet US
Snack Break KISS US
Stumpy DMV US
Wild One Team Misfit US
(DNC) denotes that the robot either never showed up, or did not compete.