Robogames Wikia

RoboGames 2023 was the first event in 5 years, it suffered from a lot of registrations, however a large chunk of entries wound up dropping out. Despite this there still wound up being a good range of countries represented including the first two Japanese entries into a combat class (NeeBoMan and S-236 Fuchs).

The List[]


Robot Team Country Event RoboGames debut? Photo
KickFlip D6 Robotics United States 60lb Combat Yes Kick Flip
Marauder Got Robots United States Best of Show Yes Marauder
Night Force High Energy Failures United States 1lb Combat Yes
Ziggy Jr. CM Robotics United States/Canada 250lb Combat No D85C7F65-15F0-45A8-833D-7F9C37D0D197
General Uarrior! Brazil 120lb Combat No General
Federal M.T. Uarrior! Brazil 60lb Combat No Fedral M.T.
Whomper Fast Electric Robots United States 250lb Combat Yes N/A
S-236 Fuchs Prototype-Robo Lab Japan 1lb Combat Yes S-236 Fuchs
NeeBoMan Prototype-Robo Lab Japan 1lb Combat Yes
King Crab Fast Electric Robots United States 250lb Combat Yes N/A
Banana Runt Team Food Fight United States 250lb Combat Yes Banana Runt
Original Sin Late Night Racing United States 250lb Combat No OriginalSin
Crash n' Burn Red Spark Robotics Canada 250lb Combat No Crash and Burn
Ragin Scotsman Team Scotbots United States 250lb Combat No Ragin Scotsman
White Rabbit
Team Malice United States 250lb Combat Yes N/A
Bad Kitty United States 250lb Combat Yes MadCatter
Khaos 3 JCOS Robotics Squad United States 250lb Combat Yes Image 2022-12-14 155316296
Manta Team Tanto United States 250lb Combat Yes Manta RG23
Terrortops Team Terrortops United States/United Kingdom 250lb Combat Yes Terrortops Render
Stinkeye Hardcore Robotics United States 250lb Combat Yes N/A
HexaDecimator Team WhoopAss United States 250lb Combat No Hexy D 2023
The Bomb Team Misfit United States 1lb Combat No The Bomb RG23
Launchpad McWhack House of Sinn United States 1lb Combat Yes Launchpad McWhack
Lynx Iba Labs United States 3lb Combat Yes Lynx
Sawmurai BeaverBotics United States 3lb Combat Yes SawMurai
Dust Bunny Team Misfit United States 150g Combat No Dust Bunny
Mondo Bizarro Team Headbangers United States 3lb Combat No Mondo Bizarro
The Mortician Hardcore Robotics United States 120lb Combat No Mortician 2023
CatKong Team Bad Kitty United States 120lb Combat No CatKong
Who's Your Daddy Now? Team Robomaster United States 120lb Combat No Whos Your Daddy Now
Wolverine Sierra College United States 120lb Combat No Wolverine
Angry Paper Shredder Logic 404 United States 1lb Junior Antweight Yes Angry Paper Shredder
Titan Carbon United States 1lb Junior Antweight Yes [3]
Twister Team Swamp Thing United States 60lb Combat Yes N/A
Piranha Team Swamp Thing United States 250lb Combat No


Puck Sierra College United States 250lb Combat No Puck


Robot Team Country Event RoboGames debut? Photo
Andrews Malice Team Malice United States 1lb Combat Yes Andrews Malice
VDD Team Think Tank United States 1lb Combat No VDD
Phantom Assault Phantom Bot X United States 1lb Combat Yes Phantom Assault
UberSaw BeaverBotics United States 1lb Combat Yes UberSaw Render
Flamingore Team Jester Canada 1lb Combat Yes Flamingore
Pilpoka Thunderratz Brazil 150g Combat Yes Pilpoka
Stonks Trincabotz Brazil 150g Combat Yes Stonks
Duende Thunderratz Brazil 1lb Combat No Image 2022-12-14 132802864
Sirius Trincabotz Brazil 1lb Combat Yes Sirius
Luxray Unknown United States(?) 1lb Junior Antweight Yes N/A
Night Fury Robotic Death Company United States 1lb Combat Yes N/A
Shreddit Bro Team Shreddit United States 3lb Combat Yes Shreddit Bro
Blackbird Team Shreddit United States 3lb Combat Yes Blackbird
Data Collector Grey Skies Automation United States 3lb Combat Yes Data Collector
Billy Mallowbots United States 3lb Combat Yes Billy
VD5 Team Think Tank United States 120lb Combat No VD5
Doom on you! Team Fast Electric Robots United States 120lb Combat No Doom on You 2017
Micro Malice Team Malice United States 150g Combat Yes Micro Malice
Maharana Team Xenon India 120lb Combat Yes Maharana
Zeusifer Team PRIX India 120lb Combat Yes Zeusifer
Floor Jack C2 Robotics United States 120lb Combat Yes
Sandstorm Level 5 Robotics United States 3lb Combat Yes Sandstorm
Mirage Level 5 Robotics United States 3lb Combat Yes Mirage
Cola Soda Robotics United States 3lb Combat Yes Cola
Twins Seems Reasonable Robotics United States 120lb Combat Yes N/A
War Squawk Western Allied Robotics United States 3lb Combat Yes N/A
Jet Lag Team Stamina United States 3lb Combat Yes Jetlag
Thunderratz Brazil 3lb Combat Yes N/A
Drumsday Trincabotz Brazil 3lb Combat No Drumsday RG23
BulletPoint Onryō Unknown United Kingdom 3lb Combat Yes BulletPoint
BFM Unknown United Kingdom 3lb Combat Yes BFM
Asterion Trincabotz Brazil 60lb Combat No Asterion
Cobalt Robotic Death Company United States/United Kingdom 250lb Combat Yes Cobalt BB2021
Crashfest Robert Rund United States 3lb Yes Crashfest
Team Double Trouble United States 250lb Combat Yes N/A
Pain Train Team Shreddit United States 250lb Combat Yes Pain Train
Uarrior! Brazil 250lb Combat Yes N/A
Snakebyte Team Lone Star
United States 250lb Combat Yes Snakebyte
Cracked Sword Li Hui China 250lb Combat Yes Cracked Sword
Sir Botsalot Wildside Robotics United States 250lb Combat Yes Sir Botsalot Placeholder
Icewave Team UI United States 250lb Combat No*
El Tortuga Team Rolling Robots United States 250lb Combat Yes N/A
DBA Team BonX The Netherlands 150g Combat Yes DBA
Sons of Marty Team CFP/East Coast Robotics United States 60lb Combat Yes N/A
Derecho Team Toad United States 250lb Combat Yes N/A
Rock Lobster Botbash United States 250lb Combat Yes N/A
Gruff Ram Robotics United States 250lb Combat No Gruff 2023
Megalodon Shark Tank Robotics Canada 250lb Combat No Megalodon
Slammo! Team Danby United States 250lb Combat Yes Slammo
Vegas Combat Robotics United States 250lb Combat Yes Jackpot2022
Megabyte Robotic Death Company United States 250lb Combat No Megabyte 2017
Botbash United States 250lb Combat Yes Skorpios
Shogun Bowltech Robotics Brazil 250lb Combat Yes N/A
Extinguisher Team Extinguisher United States 250lb Combat Yes Extinguisher
Cronos Trincabotz Brazil 120lb Combat Yes Cronos
Combat Robotics @ UC Berkley United States 250lb Combat Yes Glitch
Team Mammoth United States 250lb Combat Yes N/A
All Black Robotics Canada 250lb Combat Yes Lycan
Tastes Like Burning Widowmaker United States 60lb Combat No Tastes Like Burning
Rocket Team Wazio United States 60lb Combat No Rocket
UnMakerBot Caustic Creations United States 60lb Combat No UnMakerBot
Tsunami Light Team Tanto United States 60lb Combat No Tsunami Light Glory Shot
Sporkinok Team Pride United States 60lb Combat Yes N/A
Tornado Ronds Iran 120lb Combat Yes Tornado
La-Z-Bot Team Tiki United States 250lb Combat Yes N/A
V for Victory Burntpopcorn United States 60lb Combat No V for Victory
K2 Team Velocity United States 60lb Combat No K2
K-Torze Thunderratz Brazil 60lb Combat No K-Torze
Ominous 60
Team BonX The Netherlands 60lb Combat Yes N/A
Oakheart Terror Turtle UK/Canada 60lb Combat No Image 2022-09-20 120641778
Ranasanga Team Xenon India 60lb Combat Yes Ranasanga
Hades Team PRIXX India 60lb Combat Yes Hades
WAR Western Allied Robotics United States 250lb Combat Yes N/A
Echo 3.0 Team Echo United States 250lb Combat No N/A
Break 32 Break 32 United States 250lb Combat Yes


The Immortal Crixus Team Shreddit
United States 3lb Combat Yes The Immortal Crixus


Robot Team Country Event RoboGames debut? Photo
Team War? EZ! United States 250lb Combat Yes WAR-EZ
RoboBot Team Shreddit
United States 1lb Combat Yes RoboBot


Robot Team Country Event RoboGames debut? Photo
Jet Lag Swamp Thing United States Display


Yes Jet Lag 1
Spartan Team Stamina The Bahamas Display Yes Spartan
Marty United States Demonstration Yes
Axis Mark Sektrakian United States Display Yes Axis
Bite Force Aptyx Designs United States Display Yes Bite Force RoboGames 2023 display
Gamma Gammatronic Robot Brigade United States Display Yes Gamma
Tombstone Hardcore Robotics United States Display Yes Tombstone


  1. Mentioned in The Combot Collectives September 17 broadcast. A rebadged, repainted version of their BattleBots competitor Malice.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Mentioned in The Combot Collectives September 17 broadcast. as Glitch, this was assumed to be a placeholder name due to licensing issues, later confirmed. Initially on the competitors list, it was confirmed on The Combot Collective's December 13'th broadcast to have been moved down to the waitlist.
  3. It is unknown if this Titan is the specific robot as there are multiple 1lbers named Titan, but all fingers do point to it being so.
  4. Previously known as Swamp Thing. Name likely changed for licensing reasons.
  5. Floor Jack intended to compete in ROBOlympics 2004, however pulled out in favor of attending the BattleBots hosted NPC Charity Open.
  6. Mentioned in The Combot Collective's December 13'th Broadcast.
  7. Mentioned in The Combot Collectives September 17 broadcast. Rumored to be a rebranding of the team's BattleBots competitor Double Jeopardy.
  8. Mentioned in The Combot Collectives September 17 broadcast. Rebadged version of the teams BattleBots competitor Black Dragon.
  9. Formerly known as Team Boom Bots.
  10. Formerly fought at Combots Cup I in the 120lb division.
  11. Mentioned in The Combot Collectives September 17 broadcast. Registered with the picture of 2022 version of their BattleBots entry Jackpot, definitely a placeholder name due to licensing issues.
  12. Mentioned in The Combot Collectives September 17 broadcast. Likely due to licensing issues.
  13. A rebranding of the teams BattleBots & OMF competitor, Mammoth.
  14. 14.0 14.1 Under category "RoboGames 2023 applicants on the BattleBots wiki, but no references I could find otherwise.
  15. Mentioned in The Combot Collectives September 17 broadcast. A miniature version of the teams Heavyweight, actual name unknown at the moment
  16. Mentioned in The Combot Collective's December 13'th broadcast to be the teams BattleBots entry Riptide with a different name.
  17. 17.0 17.1 After an unspecified incident at MCRA involving the builder which ultimately caused them to part ways with Team Shreddit it is unknown if RoboBot and The Immortal Crixus will be attending, if so it will be under a different team name.
  18. Jet Powered undercutter being brought to the event for demonstration purposes.