Robogames Wikia
VladII sf02

Vlad The Impaler II is a Heavyweight robot originally built by Gage Cauchois, and currently owned by Team Burntpopcorn that has been competing sporadically under numerous different owners, and drivers since 2002. It is a silver, four-wheeled, box-shaped robot armed with a lifting plate. Unlike its predecessor Vlad The Impaler it never had much success in combat outside of a third place finish at ComBots Cup VI under Jason Bardis of Team Infernolabs, and a quarterfinals finish at RoboGames 2013 under Team Tiki, and currently holds an abysmal 9-29 W/L record at RoboGames & ComBots.

Robot History[]

ComBots Cup III[]

RoboGames 2008[]

ComBots Texas Cup[]

RoboGames 2010[]

ComBots Cup V[]

ComBots Cup VI[]

ComBots Cup VII[]

RoboGames 2013[]

RoboGames 2015[]

RoboGames 2016[]

RoboGames 2017[]

After receiving a bye in the first round, Vlad The Impaler II's first match was against Whiplash. This match started with Whiplash spinning up, and popping Vlad a few times, and attempting, and failing a few lifts. Whiplash then delivered a blow to Vlad that popped it up into the air before using the lifting arm to flip it onto its back. Whiplash then followed this up by flipping Vlad against the wall, and backing into its square as Vlad tapped out.

This loss put it into the loser's bracket where it faced multibot Crash n' Burn. This match consisted of Crash n' Burn slamming Vlad around the arena, until time ran out. The judges ultimately went for a 21-12 decision in favor of Crash n' Burn meaning that Vlad The Impaler II was eliminated.


Competition Event Opponent(s) Round Results
ComBots Cup III Heavyweight Division Original Sin Heavyweight Round Robin


SJ Lost
Sewer Snake Lost
Last Rites Lost
RoboGames 2008 220lb Combat bye Round of 32


Sewer Snake Round of 24 Lost
Sir Loin Lost
ComBots Texas Cup Heavyweight Division Original Sin

Heavyweight Round Robin (4'th place)


Gerald Lost
Sewer Snake Lost
The Defyer Won
RoboGames 2010 220lb Combat Preda Raptor Heavyweight Round Robin Lost
Touro Maximus Lost
SJ Lost
Smash & Wrecker Won
Sewer Snake Lost
Last Rites Lost
Original Sin Lost
ComBots Cup V Heavyweight Division The Great Pumpkin Round of 12


Gruff Lost
ComBots Cup VI Heavyweight Division Ragin Scotsman

Round of 12


Black Widow! Won
Mosquito Quarter-Finals Won
Last Rites Semi-Finals Won
The Great Pumpkin Loser's Final Won
Sewer Snake Consolation Final Lost
ComBots Cup VII Heavyweight Division Mosquito Round of 12


Gruff Lost
RoboGames 2013 220lb Combat bye

Round of 24


Haka Ka Mate Round of 16 Won
Last Rites Round of 12 Lost
Mosquito Lost
RoboGames 2015 220lb Combat Megalodon

Round of 32


bye bye
Electric Boogaloo Round of 24 Won
Gloomsday Round of 16 Won
The Great Pumpkin Round of 12 Lost
RoboGames 2016 (as Vlad) 220lb Combat Dagger Round of 16

Lost (forfeit)

bye bye
Polar Vortex Lost
RoboGames 2017 220lb Combat bye Round of 32


Whiplash Round of 24 Lost
Crash n' Burn Lost
  • Wins: 9
  • Losses: 29

See Also[]

  • Vladiator - A Superheavyweight also originally built by Gage which was much more successful.
  • Vlad The Impaler (BattleBots) - The original Vlad The Impaler which competed in the US Robot Wars in the 90's, as well as BattleBots.
